Wednesday, September 2, 2015

On Our Way...Penetang to Thessalon

August 11-August 18

After a quick boat wash and goodbyes all around we finally got going.

We appreciate the accompanyment out of the Penetang Bay by Jeff and Sue of Wewena.
 Really looking forward to seeing them down the way on Gran Vida.

It was a bumpy ride but we accomplished 55 miles to Snug Harbour where we enjoyed anchoring for an evening last summer. 
Tonight is our first official night 'on the loop.' 
 We finished the day with a rainbow.   We sure hope it’s a sign of good things to come.


We are hoping to post as often as possible, pictures of our backyard view. 
Our first night's sunset in Snug Harbour.

Day 2 
We sat out the wind in Snug Harbor until after lunch. Another bumpy ride as we attempted to cross from Pointe au Baril to Hang Dog Channel. We turned back because the wind and wave direction would have given us beam seas of 4-5 feet as we made our turn across the channel. 
We opted out of that experience. It challenged our boating skills as we made the return to Pointe au Baril in a following sea. 

We spent the night anchored in one of our favorite safe harbours, Kitsalano Point.

Day 3

 We departed at 6:30 am and headed North.

This morning was our first un-anchored floating office session and Brian joined the production meeting at the shop by phone.

Today turned into another rough day, putting in only 71 kilometers in 9 hours and was a test to our endurance. 

We spent the night at the Bad River anchorage, cooked dinner and retired early. 

Janice said “Is this only day 3?"  "Yikes!”

Here are some pictures from our trip last year of this beautiful and exciting anchorage. 

One of our Backyard photo's
Bad River sunset August 13, 2015

Bad River sunrise August 14, 2015

Friday morning greeted us with a spectacular sunrise and we got underway at 7:30 and headed west. We passed through the Little Current  swing bridge about 2:30.

We dropped anchor at another one of our favorite anchorages, North Benjamin Island for the night. 

It was a Marathon day of 105 kilometers as we watched a thunderstorm track to the east of us as we kept Harleying along. 

Sorry for last years pics again as we were too tired to hike.

Saturday we feel we have our destination in our sights. 
It’s a picture perfect calm day!

Took a break for a floating lunch and 58 kilometers later, 
our welcoming committee awaits us as we pull into Blind River.

We are pleased to find our first vessel flying the AGLCA burgee and met our first “Loopers”  Dave and Sue of Tranquility. We are relieved to know there is someone else at the same stage of the loop as we are.

We plan to spend a few days with Janice’s parents Barrie and Audrey, and get a few more chores done.

We appreciated the break from travels, the rest and our time together.
We came across some good fortune at our first Chinese food meal in Iron Bridge.
We think we are liking this particular view of the future.

We started right away on the first of 5 coats of varnish for Fugitive’s new teak name boards. These boards need to be mounted on each side of the fly bridge so that we can be identified by other boaters.

Our name is on the transom of our boat, but it is blocked from view by our dinghy when it’s stowed for travelling.

 Some boats have their name on the bottom of their dinghy so they can be easily identified by boats that are overtaking them.

 We might add that to our list of things to do...

Day 6

On Monday Barrie and I tackled our current list.  We installed a new solar powered head (bathroom) exhaust fan. We got creative and cut out larger doors in the cockpit lockers. Barrie found the perfect piece of trim that was stashed in the Sugar Bush rafters to create doors from the cutouts.

That afternoon Janice and Audrey arrived as well as our niece Tracey Tulloch.

We accomplished cleaning windows, new weather stripping, fixing curtains, some decorating, restocked the fridge and replentished the chocolate!

 We got to have supper, visit and say our goodbyes to Tracey before we left Blind River.

We must re-thank Mary Dean for her help with creating the second version of our FollowingFugitive boat cards and some pointers on blogging.

Our Tour to Thessalon

We had our first passengers enroute from Blind River to Thessalon on Tuesday August 18.
Nice and smooth for 49 kilometers. Barrie and Audrey enjoyed the trip.

Fugitive's new name boards are installed

Our planned departure to Drummond Island on Wednesday Aug 19 was delayed due to weather.

Thanks again Mom and Dad for the multiple taxi rides and the use of your vehicle.

The day wasnt wasted. We gave our new home a thorough cleaning, unpacked all 18 containers and finished some decorating.

We were able to find a bright new Canadian flag to fly, some pillows we needed and treated ourselves to a couple extra containers of JoAnna's homemade soup from JoAnna's Bakery and Cafe.

At the end of this, our first week, we had decided that one of our pictures was going to be our personal mantra or hashtag…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janice and Brian
    Together you do rock and it sounds like you had some rockin' waves too! Hang on tight. I love the new teak Fugaitive signs. I am reading your blog with interest! take care Andrea
