Saturday, August 29, 2015



Tuesday, August 11 at 9:45 am.

After a quick boat wash and goodbyes all around we finally cast off. 
We have 300 gallons of diesel fuel on board and are on our way towards our first planned stopover, Blind River.

During our planning stage and as we were getting ready to go, many people had questions and comments………

 Some have asked us, “Is it just the 2 of you?”  That answer is “Yes.”  

While it’s just the 2 of us on board, we will be meeting many others along the way. We’ve been told that there may be as many as 150 other vessels doing this journey at different stages of the route but most will follow the best weather. It seems that when you fly an AGLCA burgee (little triangular flag out front), it’s an invitation for people to come say hello, introduce themselves and for us to do the same.

Upon meeting us some have asked, “Did you name your boat Fugitive?” That answer is “No.” 
Fugitive is it’s original name and has never been changed by any of it’s owners.

Some have asked, “Are you going to keep that name”? That answer is “Yes.”

There are many definitions for the word Fugitive, however our interpretation of the name Fugitive is one who is seeking an exploration of parts unknown. On the run to better weather and taking refuge where we can discover anchorages that will be like hidden gems along the way.

Some have asked, “Do you have any hobbies to pass the time?”

For Brian we have reworked the front v-birth cabin into an office. There he will be able to have his Skype meetings without all of our neighbours hearing him talk. 
Brian's office before unpacking

 Brian's office all set up                  

After his day job and researching the weather sites, there is a long list of things boat things that still need to be done and maintenance items to work on.

Janice decided to learn how to knit. Someone told her that knitting was trending. She talked her cousin Lori Lee into taking a class with her in downtown Guelph. Our teacher was infinitely patient and the 1 hour class turned into 3. As a first project we were given 2 types of stitches to practice with. On departure day my practice square was 6.5” long, and had gained 7 stiches and a few holes since my class. 

Some have asked "What are you making?" That answer is "I don't know!"
Since I need a lot of practice with my knitting, this will not be anything that is recognizable as a piece of clothing. It may turn into a knitting nightmare as I mostly knit at night. It may have no use or purpose. Knit on……

Almost everyone we have talked with and met have said "This will be an adventure of a lifetime!"

We believe that will be true and are grateful to have this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. This is SO cool , I'm envious , �� cousin LR
